Monday, May 11, 2009

some scribble from a journal

toy soldier and rainbowarrior
the look in your eyes fills my lungs with icy cold stone floors, the burnt smell of match,
sweat dripping down the inside of a thigh.
i blow smoke into your eyes.
you grab my knee in an innocent attempt to spread my legs.
i feel your tempting thoughts as i pushed your shoulders away.
'can you tell me my future, my seer?'
the smell of tension is coming off your skin.
licking your palms to exhale your future.
i can taste your every move to come.

nostalgia is leaking out of your eyes.
lust is opening your arms.

and watching you put your shirt back on with that sad smile you smile so well,
was the saddest sight i have seen.
and now, ........
back to regular broadcasting

1 comment:

Mari-Chicano said...

i love it!!!

so fucking INTENSE... so much sexual emotion..

and the pic is kinda fierce?

when i read it, it seemed like a scene from a movie....