all of a sudden i feel like i am constantly keeping busy. for example.
this is my schedule this week....
monday-school ALL FUCKING DAY. 11-9
tuesday-first day of work (hella smelly diapers but cute kids)
wednesday-school, cut copy @ carson daly and perhaps, Club Moscow
thursday-fucking homework, get piercing changed,go lurking if david comes home.
friday- work. hella early. fucking 8-5 but then i get paid, and then SRS BSNS up in the TL!!!
saturday-sleepover in the hood!
sunday- homework,homework,homework....
tuesday-first day of work (hella smelly diapers but cute kids)
wednesday-school, cut copy @ carson daly and perhaps, Club Moscow
thursday-fucking homework, get piercing changed,go lurking if david comes home.
friday- work. hella early. fucking 8-5 but then i get paid, and then SRS BSNS up in the TL!!!
saturday-sleepover in the hood!
sunday- homework,homework,homework....